Grid reference TL2413
near to Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England
Explore gridsquare TL2413
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Houses angled away from the road in The Vineyard
Four blocks of houses [and the pavements] form a rectangle, with the road making a diagonal.
Bessemer Road, Welwyn Garden City
Bridge Road, Welwyn Garden City
A stretch of the B195, Bridge Road leads across the East Coast Main Line railway just north of Welwyn Garden City station. The cycle lanes were installed in July 2020.
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Works Depot Tewin Road
Falcon Gate, Shire Park
Business park in the centre of Welwyn Garden City.
East Coast Main Line: Welwyn Garden City railway station
This is the view looking from the B195 Bridge Road bridge towards the station, with the Howardsgate retail development on the right. Off to the left are the remnants of what were once quite extensive goods sidings, serving, amongst others,... (more)
Screwfix, Welwyn Garden City (set of 2 images)
Quadrant Park, Mundells.
Bridge Road
The road rises over the railway line just north of Welwyn Garden City station.
Argos offices by Bessemer Road
Welwyn Garden City station, ECML 1992
View from Bridge Road bridge southwards towards London: ex-GNR section of the ECML. This station dates only from 20/9/26. Branches from here used to go to Hertford North until 10/6/51 (goods 18/4/66) and to Luton and Dunstable until... (more)
Wickes on Bessemer Road, Welwyn Garden City
Intersection of Bridge Road and Broadwater Road