Grid reference TL2232
near to Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, England
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St Paul's Church, Letchworth
Broughton Hill
Howard Cottages are a housing association that have been around the town since the start of the town (Letchworth Garden City was founded in 1903). All Howard Cottage houses are painted cream and green.
Letchworth: sign outside St. Alban's Liberal Catholic church, Meadow Way
Housing terrace, Rushby Walk, Letchworth Garden City
Built 1911 to the designs of architect C.M. Crickmer. Grade II listed, described at this Link.
Road name sign
A particularly quaint example of the Garden City road name plates seen all over the town.
Hillshott, Letchworth
Off Norton Way South.
Entrance. Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
The Memorial Hall is Grade II listed building, described at this Link . It was built in 1906 to the designs of Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin, architects to Letchworth Garden City.
A Letchworth GARDEN City roundabout
Roundabout on junction of Station Road and Norton Way.
Pixmore Way, Letchworth
The Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Letchworth
The First Garden City Museum
The first garden city museum Letchworth Garden City Hertfordshire more info see Link
Central Methodist Church, Letchworth Garden City
Built in 1914. According to this Link the architects of the church were George Baines & Son. The practice is especially linked to the design of Baptist churches, for example, TL3212 : Hertford Baptist Church.