near to Elstow, Bedford, England
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34 images
in grid square TL0446
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Overbridges, A421
by N Chadwick
Lay-By on the B530
It looks like there were once "cat's eyes" in the middle of this tarmac so I assume that it used to be the road which now runs parallel to the west.
BP filling station and Holiday Inn |
The A421, Bedford
The A421 passing under a railway bridge to the south of Bedford, view from beside the Holiday Inn Express.
Rail Bridge over the A421 |
M&S Foodhall, and B&Q in the distance
by Rob Purvis
Recycling plant by the A6 |
by N Chadwick
KFC at Interchange Retail Park
An essential service for shoppers at the retail park.
B530 road bridge across A421
B530 road bridge across A421 with railway bridge behind.
A6 Roundabout with New Industrial Units
by John Yaxley
Audi Showroom
From the Park and Ride
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