Grid reference TL9625
near to Beacon End, Essex, England
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A12 south of Seven Arches Farm
Seven Arches Farm from the railway viaduct
Lexden Gathering Ground
This five Hectare nature reserve is owned by Anglian Water and managed by Essex Wildlife Trust see Link was from about 1900 the water gathering ground for... ( more)
Countrystyle, Colchester (closed)
The furniture store has '70% off Closing down for ever' posters, and a builder's fence across the front suggests this has already happened.
A12 near Lexden
Houses on London Road, Lexden
Old Milestone by the A1124, Lexden Road, Colchester parish
Carved stone post by the A1124, in parish of COLCHESTER (COLCHESTER District), Lexden Road, by the road. Erected by the Chelmsford (Div. of Essex First Dist) turnpike trust in the 19th century.
Inscription once read:-
(Witham 12)... (more)
Colchester Holiday Park Reception and Shop
This caravan and camping site is on Cymbeline Way, Colchester.
Halstead Road, Beacon End, Colchester
At the junction with Stan Way, King Coel Road and the entrance to Cosgrove Lodge
Seven Arches Farm
To London 49
Old milestone near to Beacon End, Essex. For overall view see Link
King Cole Road, Beacon End
At the junction with the A1124 London Road