near to Earls Colne, Essex, England
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in grid square TL8628
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Colne Priory, Lower Holt Street
by John Baker
It was a house built in 1825 for Henry Holgate Carwardine incorporating the remains of a mid-18th century house Link
Tey Road, Earls Colne
by Geographer
Towards Pound Green
by Glyn Baker
I am not sure if this field is part of the Brickfield and Long Meadow LNR. The footpath leads to Church Hill
Lower Holt Street, Earls Colne (listed buildings)
by Roger Jones
Lower Holt Street contains a number of listed buildings. Close to the camera is No. 14 List entry Number: 1337927 Link
St Andrew, Earls Colne: memorial (n)
by Basher Eyre
St Andrew's Church Earls Colne Essex
by Peter Stack
Footpath off Tey Road
by Geographer
Earls Colne Footpath No.49
A view of Colne Priory
What we see here is not a priory but an 18th century house that partly stands on the site of a Benedictine Priory that was founded at about 1100-5. The house is private and this is all that can be seen from the main road.
Looking southwest along Lower Holt Street
by John Baker
The nearest house is number 28.
Gate to The Brickfield
by Glyn Baker
This is a permissive path in the Brickfield Long Meadow LNR Link
St. Andrew's church, Earls Colne, Essex
This church stands at the east end of the village High Street. Parts of the church date back to the 14th century, such as the beautiful tower, but the church is also a result of much Victorian rebuilding. The battlements, with flushwork... (more)
Earls Colne Primary School Nursery
by Geographer
Off Park Lane at the junction with the A1124 Church Hill near St. Andrew's Church
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