Grid reference TL4359
near to Histon, Cambridgeshire, England
Explore gridsquare TL4359
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The Møller Centre
A relatively recent addition to Churchill College.
Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge: gardens (8)
Chapel of the Ascension Burial Ground
The cemetery belonging to the Cambridge parishes of St Giles and St Peter (now combined into the parish of the Ascension) lies on the edge of the city off the Huntingdon Road and accessed by the narrow and secluded TL4359 : All Souls' Lane.
The... ( more)
A dry summer in Cambridge
Tired-looking trees lining the track from University Farm to Huntingdon Road and a field of parched grass, seen from the path from Storey's Way to Eddington. There had been no rain in June and the first half of July in 2018.
Madingley Road
Going past Churchill College.
View along Storey's Way from outside Churchill College
The statue in the foreground is Diagram of an Object (Second State), Dhruva Mistry RA, 1990.
Cambridge Graphene Centre, West Cambridge
A university research centre established to investigate applications of graphene and other nanomaterials.
Institute of Astronomy, Corfield Wing.
The Corfield Wing is attached to the Institute of Astronomy Hoyle Building.
Part of Storeys Way
Cranes on the North West Cambridge site
Park and Ride Bus on Madingley Road
Stagecoach Dennis Trident/Alexander Enviro 400 bus (fleet no 19307, reg AE07 KZJ) on the Park and Ride service to the Newmarket Road Park and Ride site.
Old Milestone (new)
By the UC road, in Cambridge District, 50m from entrance to Wychfield (part of Trinity Hall college), Storey's Way, in hedge.
Milestone Society National ID: CA_CAPU00M