Grid reference TM0784
near to Fersfield, Norfolk, England
Explore gridsquare TM0784
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Nissen Hut
Nissen Hut, camp area Fersfield Airfield
“Twelve men lived in each Nissen, so tightly packed together that the shelves for their foot lockers were cantilevered over their beds, and every night the rats would gallop up and down the... (more)
Warehouses at Strenneth Farm
Off Airfield Road
RAF Fersfield - Administrative site
These are the only two buildings remaining on Site 2 - the former Admin/HQ site - now part of a farm.
No Marked Path
The public footpath has not yet been reinstated here near to Fersfield, Norfolk.
Fersfield airbase Gas Clothing and Respirator Store.
Still mostly intact the interior can be seen here Link
RAF Fersfield - Site 12
A handful of small buildings such as this overgrown latrine have survived on Site 12 which was located on Fersfield Common. The building seen in the background at right was the Picket post.
The Common, Fersfield Common
Airfield Road Industrial Estate entrance
Public footpath to Stone Lane
This concrete track linked Sites 3, 4 and 5 of RAF Fersfield. It is now a public footpath.
Line Of The Old Runway
Looking northeast along the line of the main runway of former RAF Fersfield, Norfold for more info on the airfield see Link
T2 Hangar at Fersfield airfield
The hangar has been altered for the purpose of storing grain, but is little changed on the whole
Airfield Road, Fersfield
At the moment this, apart from a few remaining derelict buildings is the nearest thing to a memorial to RAF / USAAF Fersfield.
There are plans afoot to erect a dedicated memorial at some time in the not too distant future.
Station 140... (more)