Grid reference TM0576
near to Botesdale, Suffolk, England
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Entering Botesdale on Diss Road
Lizzie's Lane, Redgrave
No one now knows who Lizzie was or what she did to get a path named after her. One can only imagine.
The lane is now a popular route for dog walkers and, contrary to appearances, it lies to the left of the hedge in the picture.
Entrance to Redgrave Park
Entrance to Redgrave Park with a plaque for the 65th general hospital US Army near to Botesdale Suffolk. For close up of the plaque see Link
Botesdale: Park Lodge
Redgrave Lake
This photograph shows a small part of Redgrave Lake with Redgrave Park beyond. The lake stretches for over 1km in an S shape. The grounds were laid out by Capability Brown in the 1760's.
During World War Two the estate was used as... (more)
Roadsign on Back Hills
At the junction with the B1113 Hall Lane
Old Water Tower
At The Warren off the B1113, shown on the map as Bury Road but known locally as Diss Road. It leads to Diss but before the construction of the bypass it was part of the A143 from Diss to Bury.
Part of the vast lake at Redgrave Park
Botesdale: Ditching work (set of 2 images)
Gatehouse to Redgrave Park
The manor house within the site has been demolished. The current owner lives in what was the stable block, now much refurbished into a luxury house. The gatehouse is original. Link
65th General Hospital U.S.Army
Plaque for the 65th General Hospital US Army near to Botesdale Suffolk. According to a web site this was the biggest U.S. Air Force hospital in Western Europe.
Water tower of USAAF Hospital Redgrave Park
On this site during World War II, the 65th General Hospital, a reserve unit of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina USA, was located here on the grounds of Redgrave Park.
Of Nissen Hut... ( more)