Grid reference SY4491
near to Eype, Dorset, England
Explore gridsquare SY4491
Surrounding area
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Beach at Eype's Mouth
Looking west along the shingle beach at Eype's Mouth, with Thorncombe Beacon in the middle distance. In the far distance, across the bay, is the start of the Devon coast, around Lyme Regis.
Eype : Eype Car Park
The car park at Eype.
Lower Eype
A view from Highlands End of Lower Eype, Eype's Mouth Country Hotel being just right of centre. Eype Mouth beach is down to the left whilst the hills rise up to Thorncombe Beacon at the highest point on the right.
Guides' campsite at Down House farm, Eype, c.1958
The photo was taken by my late mother Eileen Warren when she was on a camping holiday with her pack of guides from Nuneaton in approximately 1958.
There are several groups of tents so it must have been quite a large gathering.
Note the... (more)
Eroding cliffs west of Eype's Mouth
Monarch's Way west of Eype Mouth
The Way, using Footpath W18/34 as does the coast path, climbs the edge of a field. The coast is temporarily out of sight but the clifftop is close by to the left. Ahead is Bailey Copse.
Eype Mouth Holiday Park
Down House Farm
Down House Farm and some sheep.
This view is looking up the hill towards Down House Farm from the bridleway to Lower Eype. Strange how sheep seem to like having their picture taken.
Eype beach from the cliffs
New Inn, Eype (set of 2 images)
Thorncombe Beacon from West Bay (winter)
View from West Bay esplanade across Eype Mouth to Thorncombe Beacon (centre) and on round Doghouse Hill to Golden Cap.