near to East Charleton, Devon, England
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34 images
in grid square SX7642
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mentioning SX7642 [1]
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for SX7642
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A379 north of Home Farm
by Stuart Logan
Farmland near East Charleton
by N Chadwick
Middle of Frogmore Creek
by Chris Hart
Part of one of the many flooded valleys forming the Salcombe Estuary. This one dries out at half-tide, but at its head there is a Boatyard used as a winter mooring for boats up to 27' in length.
by Derek Harper
The barn is named on maps as Cleavehouse. It stands in this meadow beside the junction of Frogmore and Sherford Footpath 56 with Footpath 57, which immediately crosses a parish boundary, turns into Charleton Footpath 7, and then continues... (more)
Approaching Cleavehouse
by Robin Stott
The footpath along the north side of Frogmore Creek bends to the right, turning inland towards East Charleton.
Troughs by Frogmore Creek
by Derek Harper
Charleton Footpath 7 approaches a small inlet on the north side of the creek near East Charleton. If those are animal drinking troughs, is that an animal eating table?
Frogmore Creek
by Tony Atkin
South Hams : The A379
by Lewis Clarke
The A379 heading through the Devon countryside.
East Charleton Garage
The A379 passing East Charleton garage and Ashby's Easy stores
Near East Charleton
by N Chadwick
Filling station in East Charleton
by David Smith
Green lane from Frogmore
by Derek Harper
Climbing between banks resplendent with many ferns.
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