near to Mullion Cove, Cornwall, England
We have
155 images
in grid square SW6617
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for SW6617
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Mullion Cove
by mike hancock
Fishing village which will probably fall into disuse soon except for holiday makers.
Mullion Cove
by Ashley Dace
Towards Pradanack Morva
by DS Pugh
Viewed from the coast path south of Mullion Cove.
Mullion Cove from Hotel |
Chairs & Chimneys, Mullion Cove
The coast path drops down into Mullion Cove past gardens and the backs of houses.
Mullion Harbour
by Richard Webb
View from the coast path to the south.
Mullion Cove seen from the harbour wall
by habiloid
Mullion Cove Harbour
by Brian Smith
Harbour Entrance
by Tony Atkin
Looking out of Mullion Harbour with Mullion Island looming large just off the coast.
The small rock south of Mullion Cove from Henscath |
Mullion Cove and Island
by Stuart Logan
Lord Robartes of Lanhydrock financed the two existing stone piers between 1887 & 1895. He also considered a further breakwater across this cove but it proved too expensive.
Fishing boats at Mullion Cove
by Jim Dugdale
Mullion Cove is home to a small fleet of fishing boats and the walk way is lined with stacks of lobster pots. Mullion Island is seen in the background.
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