Grid reference SU8927
near to Fernhurst, West Sussex, England
Explore gridsquare SU8927
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Looking into the desolate car park at the redundant Fernhurst Research Centre
Broad-leaved Helleborine by the path
A nice example of this large orchid.
Concrete thing in field
This is neither a well nor something to do with WW2 defences. It is an inspection point for a water channel.
About to rain
Houses along the A286 just south of Fernhurst, with a brewing heavy shower looming over Blackdown.
Midhurst Road at Fernhurst village boundary
Old Milestone by the A286, Cook's Bridge House, Fernhurst Parish
Carved stone post by the A286, in parish of FERNHURST (CHICHESTER District), Henley, Cook's Bridge House, back to wall on lawn, by lamp post, on East side of road. Chichester stone, erected by the Chichester, Dell Quay & Fernhurst... (more)
Field near Fernhurst
In the background is Marley Heights.
Dead trees near Whitter's Copse
I couldn't understand why a group of trees should die in such a small area but on climbing a slope nearby I could see that the site had been dammed and was under water.
Bridleway around field edge near Fernhurst
Milestone on the A286 at Cook's Bridge
Site of old water mill
The cascade is the overflow from the mill stream just upstream of where the mill was, of which there is no obvious trace now.
Bridleway and footpath near Fernhurst
An unusual way to define a bridleway.