Grid reference SS5697
near to Loughor, Swansea/Abertawe, Wales
Explore gridsquare SS5697
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Afon Llwchwr Estuary near Loughor Casllwchwr
Culfor Road
Houses in Culfor road, Loughor.
Anti Tank Cubes at Loughor Estuary
Part of the Western Command Stop Line no. 25, running from Loughor to Llandovery. During the Second World War, the perceived threat was from the West - an invasion by German troops from Ireland. There are anti tank cubes on both sides of the estuary.
East side of St Michael's Church, Loughor
Viewed across Station Road.
St Michael's Church is in the Church in Wales Parish of Loughor in the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon
A484, with railway and pylon line parallel
Discharge pipeline into the Loughor
Loughor Castle (set of 2 images)
Today, Loughor Castle is not much more than a ruin; it is located in a strategic position near the crossing point of the River Loughor. Even today the A484 and railway crosses the river here. The castle was first built around 1106 by... (more)
Loughor Castle
Playing fields Parc Williams, Loughor
Looking west from the entrance to the park on Bwrw Road. Route 4 of the National Cycle Network passes through the park here.
Parc Williams, Loughor
Large park within walking distance from Loughor Castle, providing areas for tennis, bowling, football and other sports
New Loughor Road Bridge & Rail bridge
The lovely Victorian railway bridge will soon be no more. The crane in the background is part of the engineering works to replace it.
Between the Loughor Viaduct and Bridge