near to Royal Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, England
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93 images
in grid square SP1195
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images taken from SP1195 [2]
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Mixed shops, Birmingham Road
by Robin Stott
Sutton Coldfield : Sutton Park (set of 2 images)
by Lewis Clarke
Sutton Park is one of the largest urban parks in the United Kingdom. The park covers more than 2,400 acres (970 ha) according to one source, or 2,200 acres (900 ha) according to another.
Who looks Outside Bear
The view of Who looks Outside, Dreams; Who looks Inside, Awakes Bear. The view on the Shopping Mall in The Parade, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham.
Defibrillator on Jockey Road - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
Another of these machines, used to treat heart rhythm irregularities, sited beside Jockey Road, Beeches Green near its junction with the A5127 Birmingham Road in Sutton Coldfield. These machines can be used by anyone but training is... (more)
Wyndley Swimming Pool Entrance
by John Proctor
The Glade, Kenelm Road
On quiet cul-de-sac above Sutton Coldfield. Private flats, Durley House, Hillcroft House
Sutton Coldfield - Buildings at the Birmingham Road roundabout |
Driffold crosses the railway line from Lichfield to Birmingham
by Tim Glover
Sutton Coldfield's Christmas market on The Parade (1)
by Roy Hughes
Horse & Jockey pub, Sutton Coldfield
At the east end of Jockey Road (half heartedly named after the pub).
The Bottle of Sack
by Ian S
A Wetherspoons public house at Sutton Coldfield.
Wyndley Pool
by Bill Boaden
A refuge for waterfowl in Sutton Park.
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