near to Royal Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, England
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93 images
in grid square SP1195
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images taken from SP1195 [2]
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The Bottle of Sack, Sutton Coldfield |
Birmingham Road, Sutton Coldfield |
Art Deco frontages, Maney Corner
by Robin Stott
Shops on Beeches Walk, Sutton Coldfield
Off Jockey Road, close to its eastern end.
Parade, Sutton Coldfield
by Bill Boaden
The southern end of the pedestrianised zone, viewed from the inner ring road.
Scrum for food, Wyndley Pool
Ducks and swans scramble for food regularly offered by visitors at Wyndley Pool on outskirts of Sutton Park. Parking alongside feeder road (emergencies only) to the park. Athletics club is off to the right.
Wyndley Swimming Pool Entrance
by John Proctor
Horse & Jockey, Sutton Coldfield |
Monmouth Drive Somerville Road Crossroad Boldmere
by Roy Hughes
Defibrillator on Jockey Road - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
Another of these machines, used to treat heart rhythm irregularities, sited beside Jockey Road, Beeches Green near its junction with the A5127 Birmingham Road in Sutton Coldfield. These machines can be used by anyone but training is... (more)
Sutton Coldfield - Buildings at the Birmingham Road roundabout |
The Parade, Sutton Coldfield
As you can see, this is the part that hasn't been pedestrianised. :)
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