near to Astwood Bank, Worcestershire, England
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27 images
in grid square SP0461
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images taken from SP0461 [2]
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for SP0461
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Astwood Bank Doebank Drive
by Roy Hughes
Edgioake Lane, Astwood Bank
by Simon Jobson
Viewed across the green on Edgioake Lane, timber-framed thatched cottages are common in the area but this one stands out being next to Victorian and other more recent dwellings.
Footpath by the small pond, Sambourne
by Liz Stone
Just about 100 metres inside Warwickshire. The boundary runs parallel to the Ridgeway which is now the road through Astwood Bank.
Cookhill Allotments
Paul Cox's greenhouse at Cookhill allotments and the view across Worcestershire to Breedon Hill in the distance.
Thatched cottage in snow
A large cottage on a bend in Edgioke Lane, Astwood Bank.
The remnants of a snowman stands to the left.
Old Milestone by the A441, The Ridgeway
by P Willis
Metal plate attached to stone post by the A441, in parish of COOKHILL (REDDITCH District), The Ridgeway, Birdie Lovelies Grange, by gates, on East side of road. Redditch new iron plate, erected by the Arrow & Pot Hooks End &... (more)
House on the corner of Edgioake Lane, Astwood Bank
by David Howard
Looking towards The Ridgeway. The eastern end of Salt Way was closed for over a week with no diversion signs. I don't know where the council expect people to go instead with few clues and even fewer direction signs in the area.
S E Davis contractor's yard , Astwood Bank
by Chris Allen
This shows one of the access routes through the yard and seen from near one of the open fronted sheds containing unrestored vintage earth moving equipment. The Fowler ploughing engine is just passing through.
Pylon and farm buildings
by Jeff Gogarty
From Botany Bay Garden Centre.
S.E. Davis and Son
Some vintage caravans, part of the collection at Astwood Bank.
Taken during an official camera club visit with Stratford Photo Group.
Cottage being thatched
Cottage being thatched on Edgioake Lane near Astwood Bank.
Botany Bay garden centre, Astwood Bank
by Mike Dodman
Update of Link from January 2010 - seen here in nice sunny summer weather - no snow!
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