near to Chisworth, Derbyshire, England
We have
26 images
in grid square SK0091
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images taken from SK0091 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 26
for SK0091
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Old Barn at Chisworth
by Roger May
Opposite Bot Wood, this old barn sits on the bend of the lane rising above the old quarries.
Grazing near Hilltop Farm
by JThomas
Improved grassland off New Mills Road.
Moorland dry stone walls
by Peter Barr
A view towards Coombes Tor, above Charlesworth.
Livestock Feeder
Abandoned livestock feeder, a field barn can be seen in the distance.
Solitary gatepost in a field
by Bill Boaden
This is just below Moorside Farm. The map indicates there was a track through what is now just a grassy field, and the gatepost is further evidence.
Are you looking at me?
by Graham Hogg
Curious sheep on Ludworth Moor
Rockbottom Farm |
Track to Far Coombes |
Footpath towards the Pennines, at Chisworth, Derbyshire
by Andrew Tryon
This path heads east towards the northern Peak District. From here it is possible to walk almost 30 miles across the Pennines to Sheffield and only cross three roads.
Old farm machinery
Abandoned old farm equipment near to Moorside Farm, possibly a field roller of some sort, this rusting relic has not moved from this spot for many years.
Old ruined building
On New Mills Road, the ruin appears to have just been a field barn, but the scaffolding suggests an attempted conversion to residential
Far Coombes Farm
Stone built farmhouse, you can see the basin shaped rock formation of Coombs Rocks in the background.
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