Grid reference SK9844
near to Ancaster, Lincolnshire, England
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Ermine Street
View from the Railbridge of Ermine Street as it climbs out of Ancaster in a northerly direction. A primary route in Roman times, it linked Londinium with Lindum Colonia.
Ancaster Station Sign
The nice old signs, I saw a few along the line. Taken from the train.
Home Made propaganda
With handwritten notes, a newspaper front page, and some flags this householder left me in no doubt of his political views.
See SK9844 : Bungalow on Ermine Street for the bungalow itself
Pottergate Road
To the south of Fir Tree Lane this "road used as a public path" (according to the sign), is a metalled lane leading into Ancaster. To the north it is a rough farm track, see SK9745 : Pottergate Road
The Railway Inn, Ancaster
Serving authentic Chinese food on Ermine Street
Cottages off Pottergate, Ancaster
Level crossing and signal box, Ancaster
The level crossing is where Pottergate Lane crosses the railway just west of Ancaster station.
Post Office on Ermine St
Ancaster Post Office stands on one of the oldest communication routes in the country
B6403 High Dike junction
Ancaster Station
An East Midlands Trains passenger service leaving Ancaster Station en-route to Grantham
Pottergate Road running south towards Ancaster
"A pre-historic track way running from south of Lincoln to Ancaster (known today as Pottergate) was used by the Romans, continued in use throughout the medieval period, and is still in use today."... (more)
Ancaster station
Ancaster station was opened on 16th June 1857 by the Boston, Sleaford & Midland Counties Railway. Trains now run to Nottingham in one direction and Skegness in the other. This is the platform for Skegness bound trains.