Grid reference SK6435
near to Cotgrave, Nottinghamshire, England
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Rose Rown
The Rose and Crown is missing some letters!
Footpath in Cotgrave Country Park
Entrance to an industrial estate in Cotgrave
Venus estate, I think. There is a Vet's adjacent.
Cotgrave Methodist Church
Dating from 1802
Looking down the footpath leading into Cotgrave.
Rectory Road, Cotgrave
Cotgrave is undergoing major expansion with large new housing estates on the east side of the village. Rectory Road dates from an earlier period of development.
1 Church Lane, Cotgrave
Mid 17th century timber framed cottage with 18th and 19th century alterations. Listed Grade II.
Cotgrave Service Station fuel pumps
JET garage in the middle of Cotgrave.
Acacia House, Bingham Road, Cotgrave
A typical late 18th century house with coped gables with kneelers, Listed Grade II.
Baker's Hollow, Cotgrave
Park on Candleby Lane, Cotgrave (2)
The east end of the park, looking towards the houses on Avondale.
Plumtree Road, Cotgrave