near to Calverton, Nottinghamshire, England
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33 images
in grid square SK6051
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Emerging crop
by Chris Morgan
But what?
Site of Calverton Colliery: aerial 2014
by Chris
Looking towards Calverton. There used to be a purpose built bridge over the road between Calverton and the pit.
The disused railway branch line (to the pit) runs along the bottom of the shot.
The colliery closed in 1999.
See:... (more)
Whinbush Lane
by Tom Courtney
To the right are the fields where each Sunday they hold Calverton Car Boot Sale.
Footpath on the edge of Watchwood
One of only two public rights of way through the woodland although there are a whole host of other accessible paths and roadways. The right of way existed before the forestry development and generally follows former field boundaries.
Site of Calverton Car Boot Sale
A car boot sale takes place her every Sunday.
Path to Watchwood
by Bill Boaden
The path has to go round this field to the far corner.
Pond on Calverton slag heap
by Jim Thornton
This pond is on the northern slopes of the reclaimed slag heap of Calverton coal mine
Track beside woodland near the A614
by JThomas
Drainage channel
by Antony Dixon
Watchwood Plantation and Polish Cross Memorial
by Antony Dixon
This memorial commemorates the loss of a Fairey Battle light bomber and its three Polish crew members, which crashed near here in 1940. The full story is told on a separate signboard. See SK6051 : Polish Cross Memorial Signboard
Salterford Lane north of Calverton
by David Howard
Whinbush Lane Vicinity, Calverton, Notts.
When the drainage-related 'pond' immediately behind the photographer overflows, this channel allows the excess water to be channelled down this gulley into a second 'run-off' pool at the foot of the slope ahead. The land... (more)
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