near to Swannington, Leicestershire, England
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31 images
in grid square SK4215
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images taken from SK4215 [2]
A sample of 12 photos from 31
for SK4215
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Approaching the Ring Road
Looking along Mantle Lane towards the A511 ring road.
The Jolly Colliers
Typical miners' pub in the Coalville area which has been associated with mining since the early 1800s.
Thornborough Road on the edge of Whitwick
by David Smith
The village sign for Whitwick includes the fact that this is part of the National Forest
Railway bridge
by Tim Glover
This is on the original alignment of the Leicester and Swannington Railway.
The site of Snibston No.3 Mine
by Mat Fascione
In 1850 the Snibston Colliery opened their third mine at this site next to the Leicester and Swannington Railway line. The mine closed in 1895.
Car park at Stephenson College |
Leicester to Swannington Railway
by Ashley Dace
The Leicester and Swannington Railway (L&S) was one of England's first railways, being opened on 17 July 1832 to bring coal from collieries in west Leicestershire to Leicester.
Stephenson College
From the KFC car park.
Aldi Supermarket |
View from winding house to Spring Lane
The low walls in the foreground mark the site of the winding house for the Swannington incline of the Leicester and Swannington Railway. The cottages in the left background are on Spring Lane, and were used to house the first workers on the... (more)
Foundations for Swannington Incline winding engine
by Chris Allen
The Swannington Incline was the work of Robert Stephenson and was cable worked by a stationary engine at the top - an 1833 horizontal single cylinder engine. This is now preserved at the National Railway Museum (see SE5952 : Leicester and... (more)
Coalville Jolly Colliers
135 Thornborough Road. Marstons pub away from the town centre.
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