Grid reference SJ5658
near to Bunbury, Cheshire East, England
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Track to cricket ground, Bunbury
Off School Lane, Bunbury.
Dysart Arms, Bunbury
Tilstone Bank Lane, Bunbury
Leading down towards Tilstone from Bunbury village.
St.Bonifaces church at Bunbury
Church of St Boniface, Bunbury (set of 7 images)
Bunbury, St. Boniface's Church: Stained glass window 2
St Boniface church, Bunbury - monument to Sir George Beeston (1)
The colourful tomb of Sir George Beeston was restored to its original colours in 1937. A descendant of Sir Hugh de Calveley, he lived throughout the C16 serving four monarchs, fighting in many famous sea battles. He took part in the defeat... (more)
Sheep at Bunbury
Some of the animals seem fascinated by the activities of the photographer, others are indifferent. These sheep are in a field adjacent to College Lane.
The Dysart Arms, Bunbury
College Lane/Vicarage Lane junction, Bunbury
Bunbury, St. Boniface's Church: Stained glass window 5
Bunbury - rear view of Dysart Arms with St Boniface's Church behind