near to Bayston Hill, Shropshire, England
We have
42 images
in grid square SJ4908
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for SJ4908
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Footpath through woodland
Footpath through Bomere Wood, Bomere lake to the right.
Crop field, Bayston Hill
by JThomas
Railway and quarry
by John H Darch
The main Shrewsbury-Hereford railway line with buildings at Bayston Hill quarry in the background.
Bayston Hill Quarry
by Row17
Evening Star at Bayston Hill
by Geoff Cryer
92220 "Evening Star" heads a southbound "Welsh Marches Pullman" past Bayston Hill. Sharpstones quarry forms the backdrop
Approaching Bomere Farm
by TCExplorer
Information board at Bayston Hill quarry
I love any information board. This one is great.
The quarry, called Bayston Hill Quarry or known locally as Sharopstone Quarry is owned and operated by Tarmac, a company involved in road building nationwide for years under various names.... (more)
Bayston Hill quarry - Concrete plant
by Richard Law
The rather old but perfectly functional concrete plant in Bayston quarry works.
Under The Burgs
by Richard Webb
Beside a hill fort by Bayston Hill.
East of Shrewsbury
Sharpstone Hill Quarry and Bomere Pool to its right are visible in the low foreground; also New Meadow Stadium to the left. The line of Watling Street [A5], and the railway, can be seen stretching away east from the left, and the River Tern... (more)
The Burgs
by Alan Hughes
View across grassland towards The Burgs.
Barn at Bomere Farm
by Richard Law
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