near to Swinithwaite, North Yorkshire, England
We have
84 images
in grid square SE0388
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images taken from SE0388 [2]
A sample of 12 photos from 84
for SE0388
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Benchmark on stable at Temple Farm
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark described on the Bench Mark Database at Link
The Temple folly
by Paul Brooker
You used to be able to stay in here but looks like its work in progress at the moment
Footpath alongside Spring Bank
by Marathon
This is at a four way meeting of paths. The one ahead leads alongside the woodland at Spring Bank to eventually reach Morpeth Gate.
View up the dale [2]
Looking west from the footpath that drops down to the ruins of the Templar's chapel. The prominent fell in the distance is Addlebrough.
Concrete Track descending towards Swinithwaite
by Chris Heaton
This track affords wonderful views over Wensleydale as it descends from High Lane down towards the community of Swinithwaite on the A684.
Trees at a field boundary, Penhill, Wensleydale
by Julian Paren
Frequented no doubt by farm animals in the heat of summer.
A circular walk around West Burton [56]
by Michael Dibb
The footpath continues towards Morpeth Gate.
The route crosses Walden Beck, passes through Barrack Wood, then ascends very steeply to the disused Hudson Quarry. Hudson Lane, Morpeth Lane and then High Lane are followed before descending... (more)
Farm building, Temple Farm
by JThomas
Remains of Penhill Preceptory
This photograph shows a view of the remains of Penhill Preceptory (Knights Templar). The picture was taken looking in a north-easterly direction towards Swinithwaite.
East end of the Knights Templar preceptory
by Karl and Ali
Here can be found several stone coffins (probably only for housing bones judging by the size) and the location of the altar.
Belvedere near Temple Farm
A grade II listed building from the 18th century
Footpath alongside Long Bank Wood
A Wensleydale walk.
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