Grid reference SE6751
near to Dunnington, York, England
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Fifth Milestone Cottage, Country Guest House
Dunnington for Kexby railway station (site), Yorkshire
Opened in 1913 by the Derwent Valley Light Railway on the line from York (Layerthorpe) to Cliffe Common, this station closed to passengers in 1926 and completely in 1981.
View north west along the former line where it crossed the A1079, the... (more)
Four Lane Ends Esso
Looking towards an Esso garage receiving a delivery of petrol.
Office Building, Common Road, Dunnington
Rape from Common End
Taken opposite Chessingham Park, an industrial estate in Dunnington.
Chessingham Park
Entrance to the Derwent Valley Industrial Estate
Near Dunnington Common
Taken on the moinor road at MR: SE67545121 looking northwards.
Hagg Lane
Access Lane leading to Common End.
Derwent Valley Industrial estate
Four Lane Ends: site of former Dunnington station, DVLR
View NW, across A1079: York left, Beverely right; Dunnington village is a mile NE. The independent former Derwent Valley Light Railway of 1913 originally ran York (Layerthorpe) - Cliffe Common. There was a passenger service, but only until... (more)
Four Lanes End Junction A1079
Houses along Hull Road
Looking along the old Hull Road which runs parallel to the A1079 Hull Road.