Grid reference SE5044
near to Catterton, North Yorkshire, England
Explore gridsquare SE5044
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Fly Tipping on Old Street
Where the old Roman Road leaves Catterton Lane, someone has dumped a large pile of building waste mixed in with a few unmentionables.
This really makes my blood boil.
Someone is going to have to clear this lot up!
Link shows part of... (more)
A64 westbound (set of 3 images)
View of the stream called "The Foss" from Rolling Bridge
Autumnal shot showing hawthorn loaded with berries to the left of the picture. Just north of the A64. Minor road which was very busy on a Saturday morning, as it is a short cut into York.
Crops under Water near Rolling Bridge
Although the days before this photograph was taken were generally dry and sunny, heavy rain in the preceding weeks has water-logged the ground and has led to some fields with young arable crops becoming waterlogged in their lowest parts,... (more)
The A64 from York Road, Tadcaster
The Ebor Way (course of Roman Road)
End of no stopping
Looking along Catterton Lane from its junction with the A64.
Agricultural machinery depot
On York Road
Twisted limbs
Felled dead ash tree alongside Rolling Bridge.
Old Milestone, on the A659 (was A64), on old A64, E of Tadcaster
Near flyover junction with by-pass. Located on the South side of road, on verge backing onto wall opposite Lawton's Garage. Metal plate attached to stone post, WR casting design, 19th century.
Inscription reads: TADCASTER / 1... (more)
Rolling Bridge
I was hoping for something better than this modern structure
Farmland north of the A64