Grid reference SD7719
near to Helmshore, Lancashire, England
Explore gridsquare SD7719
Surrounding area
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North from Beetle Hill
Tor Hill is at centre right.
Moor Road, the Descent towards Helmshore
Moor Road to Beetle Hill
Taken on Moor Road, Helmshore, Lancashire, I am looking south west and up towards my objective which is Holcombe Moor. Beetle Hill is to the right of shot.
Footpath on the Northern Flanks of Bull Hill
Alden Lodge (set of 2 images)
Rossendale Way
On Beetle Hill the named walking route is heading towards Alden Brook and is cut across by a track from Helmshore to Bull Hill on Holcombe Moor.
The Ellen Strange Cairn
This grid square is mostly open moorland, with the odd farm, but it is broken up by the Ellen Strange cairn and monument. The cairn reputedly marks the site where Ellen Strange was murdered by her husband (or lover in some reports) in about... (more)
About to take a picture of Robin Hood's Well
This shows the setting of the well, by the path descending from Beetle Hill. Tor Hill is behind.
Footpath to Fall Bank Farm
Holcombe Moor National Trust
Ellen Strange
The memorial stone and cairn mark the spot where Ellen Strange's remains were found following her murder on 26 January 1761. Her husband, John Broadley, was tried for Ellen's murder but acquitted owing to insufficient evidence. It... (more)
The bottom end of the Alden valley
The valley runs down towards Rossendale where Helmshore and Haslingden are in view. The ruin bottom left is Goose Pits, a former farm overlooking the valley.