Grid reference SD5421
near to Leyland, Lancashire, England
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Eagle & Child
The Eagle & Child is located on Church Road (B5248) Leyland, Lancashire PR25 3AA.
Chestnut Court, Leyland
This house was once the vicarage for St Andrew's Church. It is now at the centre of a development of homes for senior citizens.
Grinding Wheel used as garden ornament.
Grinding Wheel made by J. Wallace and Sons Ltd Glasgow. Made about 1890 refurbished 2017 and now used as a garden ornament.
Worden Country Park
This once formed the estate of Worden Hall which was destroyed by fire in 1941
Leyland Conservative Club
Tesco, Leyland (set of 2 images)
St. Andrew's Church
The building on Church Road is grade 2* listed.
Heading southeast on Worden Lane
Worden Park is behind the wall on the right.
South Ribble Museum and watchhouse
See SE9907 : The Lord Nelson for information about the museum.
The museum, sundial (left) and watchhouse (right) are all Grade II Listed. See Link ,... ( more)
Worden Park - Looking Towards the Main Entrance Gate
Sign for the Eagle & Child, Leyland
Old Central Cross by the B5248, Towngate, Leyland Parish
Leyland Cross, old shaft and base in a new cross, by the B5248, in parish of Leyland (South Ribble District), Towngate, South end, at junction with Church Road, on traffic island.
Grade II listed. List Entry Number: 1073048... (more)