Grid reference SD5169
near to Over Kellet, Lancashire, England
Explore gridsquare SD5169
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Quarry workings
Looking down into the quarry, footpath now restricted.
Pasture below Slack's Wood, Over Kellet
On a Sunday, with no sound from the quarry, it is possible to blank out the scenes of total devastation a few hundred metres to the south. Warton Crag in the distance.
Bowman Stout Wood, Over Kellet
The Kellet limestone quarries are hidden from the north by these woods
Kellet Hill
Used the footpath from the NE after the pub. Then crossed a tall wooden gate to inspect the quarry edge on a grey Sunday morning with Martin Richardson.
Name: Kellet Hill
Hill number: 108312
Height: 134m / 440ft
Area: 36: Lancashire,... (more)
Kellet Road, Over Kellet
Looking west.
Leaper's Wood Quarry at Carnforth
A large limestone quarry the other side of the M6 from Carnforth, between Over Kellet and Nether Kellet.
Back Lane and Leapers Wood Quarries
View from a new viewing area. The quarries have effectively combined. The dividing line is roughly in line with the wind turbine. Back Lane Quarry is to the left, Leapers Wood Quarry to the right.
Morecambe Bay is in the background.
Post Office - Over Kellet
B6254 Kellet Road looking west
Back Lane and Leapers Wood Quarries
Kellet Seeds, the hill that was in the centre, has almost disappeared. Only a short spur remains. It used to separate the quarries - Back Lane Quarry in the foreground, and Leapers Wood Quarry in the background. A closer view than SD5168 : Grazing land and quarry (2019).
Quarry Workings, Back Lane Quarry
Over Kellet quarry from the footpath along its southeast side