Grid reference SO3958
near to Pembridge, County of Herefordshire, England
Explore gridsquare SO3958
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Timber-framed house (Pembridge)
This house is placed between Victoria Place (left) and Church Crescent (right, out of shot). The Christmas lights on the borders of the lower window frames and entrance door were a neat feature.
Inside the Bell Tower, Pembridge
The bell ropes inside the belfry of the Bell Tower of St Mary's church, Pembridge.
The A44, Pembridge
At the entrance to Townsend caravan park
Highways, Pembridge
Probably dates from the sixteenth century Link
A Medieval House in Pembridge
One of many Houses in the Village of Pembridge in Herefordshire. Part of the Black and White Trail.
St Mary, Pembridge - Bell tower timbers
New Inn, Pembridge, Herefordshire
Riverside boardwalk, Pembridge
Part of the recent riverside improvements by the Arrow at Pembridge, a boarded walkway through a variety of wildlife habitats.
Bridge, Pembridge
Seen from the car park on the north side of the Arrow. Lovely spot, spoiled by too many big notices.
St. Mary's Church (South Transept | Pembridge)
The south transept at St. Mary's Church in Pembridge has very large stained-glass windows, especially the one on the right. There were nice model replicas in the south transept that I wanted to take a picture of, but according to a... (more)
St Mary, Pembridge
With its wondrous detached belltower, this inspiring building dates from the early 14th century, when this area was as peaceful as Helmand province is now.
St Mary's Church, Pembridge (set of 3 images)