Grid reference SO9834
near to Great Washbourne, Gloucestershire, England
Explore gridsquare SO9834
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St Mary, Great Washbourne
The view that greets you from the entrance.
Ridge and furrow at Great Washbourne
The orchard north of the forge cottage at Great Washbourne, showing a ridge and furrow pattern.
Path under a willow
Great Washbourne
The main street in Great Washbourne, looking west from the Church.
Great Washbourne Church
St Mary's church at Great Washbourne dates from the early 12th century, but was restored in 1961.
Old orchard at Great Washbourne
Looking east towards Dumbleton Hill in the distance.
Note the large amount of mistletoe on these old fruit trees.
St Mary, Great Washbourne
The Royal Arms of George IV, over the chancel arch.
A defibrillator telephone box, Great Washbourne (set of 2 images)
Detail from Great Washbourne Church
Carved detail and a Maltese Cross, the symbol of the Knights Hospitaller order from the tympanum above the south door to St Mary's church, Great Washbourne. The Maltese Cross is the symbol of the Knights Hospitaller order, though I... (more)
Great Washbourne church
Great Washbourne church viewed from the north-west.
No 17 and Manor Cottage