Grid reference SO8835
near to Shuthonger, Gloucestershire, England
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A38 at Jason James Autocentre, Shuthonger
Twyning Farm
Viewed from the north west, this beautiful old farmhouse has commanding views over the river Severn and out to the Malvern Hills.
Used car sales, Shuthonger
Shuthonger Villa, Shuthonger
"An unaltered example of c1830-40; stuccoed, with hipped roof and Doric doorway, but also windows with hoodmoulds."
I was quite surprised to find that it is not listed.
Old Boundary Marker
Parish Boundary Marker on the west side of the A38 Mythe Road, at the end of a bridge parapet. On the boundary of Tewkesbury and Twyning parishes. Inscribed TEWKESBURY and TWYNING on adjacent faces and TEWKESBURY / DISTRICT on the top face.... (more)
Enclosed path
The footpath is enclosed between open fields on the left and a caravan/camping site on the right.
A38 North Approaching Shuthonger Village Sign
Twyning Farm, Shuthonger 1985
Track and footpath
Track and footpath near Redpools Farm on the Severn floodplain.
Entrance to Dawley's Caravan Site
The course of the old Tewkesbury to Malvern railway line used to pass just beyond this entrance. The cutting has been filled in, and the bridge the track on the right used to cross has gone.
The Mythe Brook
Looking south along the brook, which actually forms a long thin drainage pond in this area. Dawleys caravan park on the left.
LMS Stanier 3MT 2-6-2T on Ashchurch - Great Malvern line
View NW, towards Great Malvern from the bottom of the track from Twyning Farm - my childhood home - to the River Severn pastures. No. 40116 (built 1935, withdrawn 11/62) is probably running bunker-first (towards Tewkesbury). However, it... (more)