near to Whittington, Staffordshire, England
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118 images
in grid square SO8583
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images taken from SO8583 [6]
A sample of 12 photos from 118
for SO8583
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Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal south-east of Kinver
by Roger D Kidd
Looking north as the canal meanders towards Kinver and Stourton. This is about three hundred metres north of Whittington Horse Bridge, No 28.
Bend in the A449 towards Stourton
by JThomas
Swan Mooring
The view of the narrowboat on the Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal near Kinver.
Canal moorings below Kinver
by Peter Evans
Canal moorings on the Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal just to the South of Kinver
Wikipedia page -
Woodland track north of Whittington, Staffordshire (set of 2 images)
by Roger D Kidd
The public footpath between Whittington and Dunsley follows the line of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal (off to the left) on its eastern bank.
Canal towpath by Whittington South Staffs
by Andy Herrin
Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal, Kinver
Below Kinver Lock the canal passes through a hilly area, the hills closing in on the east bank. Kinver's visitor moorings are located here.
Moorhen on a stick
by John Winder
A moorhen poses on a fortuitously picturesque stick. The grid reference for this one is very much a best guess ... moorhens aren't marked on maps.
Passing By
The view on the Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal north of the Whittington Horse Bridge near Kinver.
Canal and River Stour near Kinver in Staffordshire
by Roger D Kidd
Looking south-east (downstream) across the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal from the unsurfaced lane (and footpath) known as Gibraltar.
Hampton Grove View
The view of the junction with Dunsley Road in Kinver.
Flowing curve on the A449
by J Whatley
A short distance north of the Whittington crossroads.
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