Grid reference SO7703
near to Frocester, Gloucestershire, England
Explore gridsquare SO7703
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St Peter's Frocester, churchyard
Farmland near Bridge Farm
Remains of St Peter's church, Frocester
All that remains of St Peter's church at Frocester is the tower and spire and the south porch. The church had become ruinous and abandoned in the 17th century and was restored in 1849 when the tower and spire was built however after a... (more)
Frocester Fayre
Church Farm has diversified into a thriving butchery and retail business.
FROCESTER - Please drive carefully through the village
On the southern approach to the Gloucestershire village.
Grassy field opposite Church Farm
Looking south towards the outline of Cam Long Down.
Remains of St Peter's, Frocester
St Peter's, Frocester, which is located a mile from the village it served was rebuilt in 1849, after centuries of neglect, to the designs of Francis Niblett. The new church reused much of the stonework of the old church, and was... (more)
Carved oak lychgate, Frocester, Gloucestershire
At the main entrance to St Peter's churchyard in the Church of England Diocese of Gloucester.
The lychgate was erected in 1899 as a memorial to John Altham Graham-Clarke who is buried in the churchyard.
The tower of St Peter's, Frocester
Cycling away from Frocester
Travelling south away from the Gloucestershire village on a Sunday morning in March 2024.
The remains of St Peter's, Frocester (set of 4 images)