Grid reference SO4876
near to Bromfield, Shropshire, England
Explore gridsquare SO4876
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Oakly Park
What is visible through the screen of trees is the upper part of the western facade, brick and early C18. Below this is a one-storey screen added about 1820 by Charles Robert Cockerell, as part of a distinctive classical remodelling of the... (more)
The Old Mill: Bromfield
A view of the old mill on the east side of the bridge, taken from the bridge over the Teme, near Bromfield.
St. Mary the Virgin Church (Lectern | Bromfield)
Here is the lectern at the church/priory in Bromfield, this lectern is at the north aisle.
Newly revealed riverside building, Bromfield
Newly revealed by removal of trees and undergrowth alongside the river.
The village of Bromfield
Cf. SO4776 : The village of Bromfield. In this view, the buildings of Bromfield Manor, Priory Gatehouse, St. Mary parish church (former priory) and Bromfield Bridge can be seen from the Shropshire Way.
Former Bromfield School
Former village school, now housing the Pentabus Rural Theatre Company.
Old oak at Ludlow Food Centre
Ordnance Survey 1GL Bolt
This OS Bolt can be found on the north face of St Mary's Church. It marks a point 94.233m above mean sea level.
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Bromfield
Timber traffic on the A49, Bromfield
A fairly typical load struggling along the improved, but still woefully inadequate route that is the A49.
Lane on Bromfield Bridge
Taken on Bromfield Bridge, the village of Bromfield can be seen in the distance.
Row of cottages, Bromfield
On the north side of the A49. This row is shown on the large-scale OS map surveyed in the 1880s, when part of the row was a smithy.