3 km from Rhosson, Pembrokeshire/Sir Benfro, Wales
We have
72 images
in grid square SM7023
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The Bitches, Ramsey Sound
Strong tidal currents wash over the Bitches, rocks just below and above the surface of Ramsey Sound.
Direction sign at split of paths on Ramsey Island |
The Bitches, Ramsey Sound
by Alex Brown
The Bitches, near Ramsey Island
by Chris Gunns
According to the guide on the boat,these smaller rocks between the two larger outcrops are called The Whelps.
The Bitches
by Mick Garratt
One of several outcrops of rock in the Ramsey Sound making navigation very difficult especially when the tide is in full flow.
The Quay, Ramsey Island
They way on and off the island for day visitors and the semi-resident RSPB staff
The Farmhouse, Ramsey Island
by Bob Jones
The newly-painted 'Farmhouse' is the Warden's house on this island which is owned by the RSPB.
Cliffs on Ramsay Island in Pembrokeshire
by Roger D Kidd
These cliffs and inlets are a short distance north of the landing stage.
This image has been scanned from a Kodak Gold 100 negative, date uncertain, probably early-mid 1980s (August).
Former farmland, Ramsey
by Richard Webb
Ramsey is now a nature reserve managed by the RSPB. It was once farmed. The farm buildings are now used for study and reserve management.
View across Ramsey sound to the St David's peninsula.
Bitches Turbulence
by Alan Hughes
The tide rushes at speed through Ramsey Sound and causes great turbulence as it passes through the Bitches. Attempts have been made to harness the power of the surge to generate electricity, but to date without success.
Ponies on Ramsey Island
by Bill Boaden
Part of the island's population.
A tourist boat passing The Bitches
A tourist sightseeing boats passing through The Bitches when the tide is running. There are strong currents flowing through Ramsey Sound between Ramsey Island and the Pembrokeshire Coast.
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