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Grid reference O1233

near to Kilmainham, Dublin, Ireland


We have 91 images in grid square O1233
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from O1233 [1] taken pre 2000 [2]
A sample of 12 photos from 91 for O1233 - View this square in the Browser >>>
O1233 : Kilmainham Jail by HENRY CLARK Kilmainham Jail
Taken from the new Hilton Hotel
O1233 : Footpath adjacent to Dolphin Road, Kilmainham/Cill Mhaighneann by P L Chadwick Footpath adjacent to Dolphin Road, Kilmainham/Cill Mhaighneann
This footpath goes through a pleasant green area, with fairly new trees. It is bounded on the east by the Grand Canal, and on the west by Dolphin Road. O1233 : Grand Canal, adjacent to Dolphin Road, Kilmainham/Cill Mhaighneann.
O1233 : Inside Kilmainham Gaol by Gary Barber Inside Kilmainham Gaol
O1233 : Cross, Irish National War Memorial Gardens (set of 2 images) by N Chadwick Cross, Irish National War Memorial Gardens (set of 2 images)
O1233 : Inside Kilmainham by Raymond Okonski Inside Kilmainham
If the interior seems familiar it is because this museum has been rented out to many film and TV companies where access to a 'real' working prison has been denied. These include The Italian Job (with Noel Coward), In The Name of... (more)
O1233 : The Patriots Inn, Kilmainham by David Dixon The Patriots Inn, Kilmainham
O1233 : Lock 1 on the Grand Canal by Gareth James Lock 1 on the Grand Canal
O1233 : Memorial to the Executed Leaders of the 1916 Rebellion by Graham Hogg Memorial to the Executed Leaders of the 1916 Rebellion
Directly outside the entrance to Kilmainham Gaol where in May 1916 the 14 of the leaders of the rebellion were executed.
O1233 : Stone of Remembrance in the Irish National War Memorial Gardens by Marathon Stone of Remembrance in the Irish National War Memorial Gardens
The Irish National War Memorial Gardens was dedicated "to the memory of the 49,400 Irish soldiers who gave their lives in the Great War, 1914–1918". The full and interesting history is given at... (more)
O1233 : Dublin - Kilmainham Jail interior by Joseph Mischyshyn Dublin - Kilmainham Jail interior
O1233 : Irish National War Memorial Park by kevin higgins Irish National War Memorial Park
Commemorating the Irish who fell in the 1914-18 Great War.
O1233 : Inchicore Road, Dublin by Stephen Sweeney Inchicore Road, Dublin
Approaching the main entrance to Kilmainham Gaol.

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