near to Hedley on The Hill, Northumberland, England
We have
19 images
in grid square NZ1059
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taken pre 2000 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 19
for NZ1059
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Field to north of farm at Currock Hill
A view over the field to the airfield of the Northumbria Gliding Club where several aircraft can be seen.
Turkey Muck, Labourn's Fell
by Richard Webb
By product of industrial poultry raising being used as fertiliser. There is a danger however of heavy metal contamination, I have experienced problems with copper.
Road east of Currock Hill Farm
The photo was taken on the Lead Road between Moorgate and Leadgate Plantations looking west towards Currock Hill Farm.
Currock Hill
This grass mound is one of two high points on Currock Hill measuring 259m: The other is NZ0959 : Currock Hill. This one is also the highest point in Gateshead Metropolitan Borough.
Farm steading conversion near Chopwell
At time of photograph these farm buildings had been converted to self catering holiday accommodation.
Northumbria Gliding Club
by Oliver Dixon
Situated high on the ridge between the Derwent valley and Tynedale. Link
Looking back East
Looking along the lane towards Leadgate, from the minor road leading down to Bowser's Hole.
Try gliding here!
by Oliver Dixon
The top of the rough road leading down to the Northumbria Gliding Club
Road over Currock Hill |
Currock Hill Farm
There is another photo here NZ1059 : Currock Hill Farm
Roadside view at Currock Hill
Looking north over the fields to the west of Currock Hill Farm.
Dead trees
This is Leadgate Plantation, where there obviously been a lot of tree felling lately. Don't know why these have been left. There are tremendous views of the Tyne valley from this ridge top.
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