near to Ireshopeburn, County Durham, England
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123 images
in grid square NY8638
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images taken from NY8638 [9]
A sample of 12 photos from 123
for NY8638
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Morning in upper Weardale
by Oliver Dixon
View from Lanehill
Houses on the A689, Ireshopeburn
by JThomas
Ireshope Plains Farm
Old maps show the farm was once called 'Cold Knuckles'. The photograph was taken from a mound surrounding one of the old lead-mining shaft that runs along the Old Fall Vein to the north-east of the farm.
Farmland southeast of Ullsfield Plantation
by Mike Quinn
Looking northwest from Stony Path across the valley of Ireshope Burn towards NY8638 : Ullsfield (half right).
The River Wear near Ireshopeburn
by Uncredited
Just upstream of the Blackdene Mine Bridge, the River Wear gets channelled through a band of hard rock. One moment the river is wide and relatively lazy, the next moment it rushes through a narrow chute.
by David Brown
by Mike Quinn
Hauler on Ireshope Plains
by Dean Allison
Remains of an old haulage engine from Carricks Iron Mine in Weardale,
Field west of High Hotts
A field of rough, (very rough), pasture on the south side of Weardale at Ireshopeburn. The valley below is of course that of the River Wear and the rise on the left skyline is that of Carr Brow Moor. The farm at High Hotts is in view.
by Andrew Smith
On the Weardale Way opposite Iresburnhope
by Chris Heaton
The long distance footpath on the banks of the Wear, opposite the small village of Iresburnhope
High Earnwell (3)
by Mike Quinn
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