near to Maryport, Dumfries And Galloway, Scotland
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46 images
in grid square NX1434
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images taken from NX1434 [1]
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On the Mull of Galloway Trail
by Gordon Brown
Leaving Maryport heading south. The Mull of Galloway lighthouse just visible in the distance.
Mull of Galloway Trail at Maryport Caravan Park
With marker post.
Erratic boulder and sea defences
An enormous erratic boulder of granite lying on the shore dwarfs the rocks placed at the top of the shore to protect the caravan park situated on the raised beach.
Path signpost at Maryport Holiday Park |
Maryport Caravan Park
by Jeff Wells
In the background can faintly be seen The Mull of Galloway and lighthouse.
Raised beach at Maryport
by Ann Cook
This field is a raised beach and there is a gap in the old cliffs which is a route for cattle to a higher pasture.
Maryport Bay
by Gordon Brown
The caravan site at Maryport in view.
Road to Maryport Caravan Park
You can just see the Mull of Galloway Headland in the distance.
Maryport Caravan Site
by Ann Cook
Maryport farm is on the hill top.
Maryport Caravan Park
by Jeff Wells
Set on a sandy beach, the shingle bar is called 'Ringwee'. The Wigtownshire coast across Luce Bay can faintly be seen on the horizon.
Exit Road from Maryport Caravan Park |
Farm equipment & shed at Maryport |
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