Grid reference NX5257
near to Glen, Dumfries And Galloway, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NX5257
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Cambret Hill TV-Masts
These towers belong to ntl. The tallest with the white cylinder is for Television when the other is for Mobile phone operators (Site share as we call it)
Prehistoric cairn and circle
Looking from within the circle to the masts on Cambret Hill
View down Cambret Hill
A shower that had practically blinded us going up the Skyreburn Road moves off to drench someone else.
Cup and Ring marked rock, Cambret Hill
I revisited this cup and ring marked rock, also known as the Penny Stone (seen here: Link ) to try to get a clearer picture using off camera flash to highlight the markings, with only limited success.... ( more)
Mast on Cambret Hill
Cairn on Cambret Moor
Closer view of this stone cairn on Cambret Moor. An entrance to the cairn can be clearly seen on the top by the grassy area.
Prehistoric Cairn On Cambret Moor
This track is on Cambret Hill
This is almost at the gates of the TV masts area at the top of Cambret Hill. The view is looking back down the track towards the Corse of Slakes road.
Moors at Cambret
Seen from Cambret Hill by the communication masts.
TV station on Cambret Hill
TV and radio transmitters. Seen through mist and drizzle from Englishman's Bridge on the minor road to the north. At the roadside is Bracken and shelters for newly planted trees.
Cairn, Cambret Moor
Standing on the top of the cairn seen in Link.
The roof of the burial chamber has collapsed (the resulting hole is partly concealed by the clumps of heather) exposing a cist about 1 metre in depth, 1... ( more)
Cambret Moor and Cambret Hill
From Cairnholy Hill. Note the TV & Radio masts atop Cambret Hill.