near to Preston, Northumberland, England
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71 images
in grid square NU1825
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images taken from NU1825 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 71
for NU1825
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A road through Preston
by Richard Webb
The current route of National Cycle Network route 1 through Preston.
Clock mechanism, Preston Tower
by Derek Voller
The two cable winders support two heavy stone weights suspended down through the lower floors, the driving force for the clock and the chimes. There is a notice warning visitors against being in this spot at the time of the hourly chimes.... (more)
Preston Tower
by Lisa Jarvis
A Northumbrian pele tower built in 1392 by Robert Harbottle.
Grounds around Preston Tower
by DS Pugh
Looking at some of the mature trees in the garden surrounding the tower.
Dexter cattle
by Russel Wills
On South Broomfield farm.
The Dexter originated in the South Western region of Ireland and are descended from the predominately black cattle of the early Celts.
Preston Mains
Looking across a field of grass towards the farm of Preston Mains.
Communications mast, Preston
by JThomas
Field, Preston
by Richard Webb
View towards the Well Plantation.
Big Tree
by Peter Barr
Wellingtonia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in the grounds of Preston Tower (a 14th C pele tower). The view is west, on a miserable wet June afternoon.
Preston Tower. the house built in 1805 for Edmund Craster
by Martin Dawes
Taken from the top of the c14 Preston Tower
Preston Mains farm
by James Allan
Houses at Preston Mains |
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