Grid reference NU1817
3 km from Rennington, Northumberland, England
Explore gridsquare NU1817
Surrounding area
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Rennington : Track
A track heads off the A1.
Rutted stubble below Heifer Law
Stubble fields with a legacy of the wet summer of 2008.
Old Milepost by the B6341, Holywell, north of Alnwick
Cast iron post by the B6341, in parish of DENWICK (ALNWICK District), Holywell; 420m North of track to Heckley Fence, back to stone wall on narrow verge under tree, on East side of road. AB bevel iron casting, erected by the Cow-causey... (more)
A1 near Heckley Fence
Heading north west on the A1 towards Berwick.
Heiferlaw Tower
The tower house is a prominent building built on the east side of Heifer Law. It was built in the late 15th century by Alnwick Abbey and was probably used as a look out tower for the monks. The building measures 7.4m by 8.8m externally and... (more)
B6341 southbound
Stand aside for the bus!
A cyclist beaten by the steep incline through the trees near Heiferlaw Tower kindly steps aside to let the bus negotiate the crest of the hill.
Heiferlaw Tower
The remains of a tower house built on the east side of Heifer Law. It was built in the late 15th century and was probably used as a look out tower for the monks of Alnwick Abbey. It is 7m tall with three floors.
Heifer Law, Northumberland
An example of the extensive storm damage that affected Northumberland in November 2021.
Cleared up windthrow, Heifer Law
Denwick : A1
Looking along the A1.
Heckley Fence
Between the old A1 and the newer one.
Heifer Law up on the right.