near to Ericstane, Dumfries And Galloway, Scotland
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17 images
in grid square NT0611
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Towards Eric Stane and the Lowther Hills beyond from near Hartfell Spa
by Ross
The A701 road to Edinburgh cuts across the picture 2/3 of the way up.
Annandale Way at Bessie's Knowe
Looking south-east to Greygill Head
The Annandale Way coming down towards Ericstane
Looking up to Ericstane Hill in the mist.
Soaking Sheep
by Adam Ward
3 fairly miserable sheep on a day with torrential rain, just south of the Devil's Beef Tub.
Dumfries and Galloway : The A701
by Lewis Clarke
Heading along the A701 as it heads along the scenic route to Edinburgh.
Annandale Way above Ericstane
by Oliver Dixon
The Annandale Way Link
Grassy moorland beside the Annandale Way
Most of the route of the Annandale Way is through lowland terrain but here it has climbed from the valley to be through moorland.
It will go higher, crossing the two hills ahead in the image, (Great Hill and Chalk Rigg Edge), before... (more)
Traffic in view above Annandale
by Jim Barton
Approaching the A701 on the Annandale Way up from Moffat.
View towards Ericstane
Approaching Moffat
Cyclists on the old Edinburgh Road
by Oliver Dixon
A traffic-free alternative route from Moffat up to the Devil's Beeftub which avoids the A701. The old road also carries the Annandale Way long distance footpath. The upper reaches of Annandale can be seen in the background.
Rough grazing above Ericstane
by Richard Webb
A big contrast to the other side of the road which is forested with incredibly rough rides. This land is grazed.
The gentle uphill progress of the A701 towards the Devil's Beeftub can be seen in the background.
Dry burn on Bessie's Knowe
by Jim Barton
Just a trickle of water in this dry spell.
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