Grid reference NT9255
near to Foulden, Scottish Borders, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NT9255
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Arable land, Foulden
Land falling away below Foulden. The crop is oil seed rape and the soil is very dry during a period of dry anticyclonic weather.
The A6105 west of Foulden
Barn and field of stubble at Foulden Newton
The Old School House and row of cottages on the main road can be seen on the skyline.
Minor road approaching Foulden Newton
Looking southward.
No.16 Foulden
House on the A6105 just west of the parish church, at the end of a picturesque, Flemish style terrace, fronting Foulden's main thoroughfare. Decorative features are thought to date from the mid to later 19th century, when John Wilkie,... (more)
Old School House Foulden
Former School and School House in Foulden .
Signs of Foulden
Please drive carefully (and I want to add 'be kind to pedestrians'!) through Foulden.
Most drivers are very courteous and very country-road-aware - but there's always the idiot in the Subaru (or some souped-up thing with a... (more)
The village of Foulden
Between Chirnside and Berwick.
Postbox outside Foulden Village Hall
The small lamp box postbox located on the pavement outside Foulden Village Hall.
Old Milepost by the A6105, west of Foulden
Cast iron post by the A6105, in parish of Foulden (Berwick District), Foulden, on grass verge on rise, North side of road.
Inscription reads:- : DUNS / 10 : : BERk. / 5 :
Milestone Society National ID: BD_BEDN05.
Rose Cottage in Foulden
This very attractive cottage was formerly a shoemaker’s cottage.
More information about all the houses and cottages here can be seen on the information board on the village green opposite.
A Majestic Old Sycamore in Foulden
This majestic old sycamore tree, standing at the edge of the village green, has lost most of its leaves now in November.