near to Buckholm, Scottish Borders, Scotland
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94 images
in grid square NT4737
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images taken from NT4737 [2]
A sample of 12 photos from 94
for NT4737
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Borders gate and pasture
The lower slopes of Buckholm Hill, by the A7 near Galashiels.
An old mill lade system at the Rye Haugh, Galashiels
This old channel used to divert water from the Gala Water to power mills in Galashiels. The arched tunnel is below the former Waverley Railway Line just south of Buckholm Tunnel. For a wider view, see NT4737 : An old mill lade system at the Rye Haugh, Galashiels.
Footpath to Galashiels
by Jim Barton
The path, now tarmac surfaced, follows the old Peebles - Galashiels railway line with an access point on the A72 at Torwoodlee.
Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints in Galashiels
by James Denham
Best view through locked gate.
Cobweb on my Lawn
by Iain Lees
On The Old Railway Line At Galashiels
The start of the footpath on the edge of Galashiels, following part of the old railway line from Peebles.
A dismantled bridge on the former Waverley Line
Two piers and abutments only remain from this railway bridge that spanned the Gala Water near Torwoodlee Golf Course. A new bridge would be required should the proposed reinstatement of the Waverley Line go ahead. For a view in the opposite... (more)
Old Ash Trees, Blynlee
by Iain Lees
The farm track used to be lined with these Ash trees, but now there is only a few left
Wood Street, Galashiels (set of 4 images)
by Ian S
Wood Street (A72)
by JThomas
Heading north west from Galashiels.
Buckholm Tunnel on the Borders Railway
This is the south portal of the 63m long tunnel which was viewed with a telephoto lens from the lower northeast slopes of Meigle Hill. For a closer view of the tunnel in 2012 before the railway was reinstated, see NT4737 : The south portal of Buckholm Tunnel.
Bend, Torwoodlee
by Richard Webb
A bend in the A7 north of Galashiels.
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