near to Wiston, South Lanarkshire, Scotland
We have
105 images
in grid square NS9534
A sample of 12 photos from 105
for NS9534
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Brocken spectre on the final ascent to Tinto summit
by Gordon Brown
The surging cloud gave a weak Brocken spectre, which can just be seen here (the rainbow effect, if not my shadow).
Looking Southeast from the summit of Tinto Hill
by Ian Wilson
Tinto Hill rises to about 700 metres and is a good walk that stretches your legs. The views on a good day are stunning. This view shows the vista southeast from the summit. As with all Scottish Hills - take care. It isn't that high... (more)
The Central Belt from the Huge Cairn on Tinto’s Summit
by Iain Lees
Tinto viewed from moorland near Crawfordjohn
by Alan O'Dowd
Looking at the southern side of Tinto from moorland near Mountherrick Hill after a spring snowfall.
The Tinto path split in two
Near the summit, and Maurice's Cleuch.
Rimed up fence
by Richard Webb
Frost feathers on a fence near the summit of Tinto.
Trig point on Tinto from the summit cairn
by Colin Park
Hazy view on Tinto
by Alan O'Dowd
Near the top of Tinto, a bit more of the pinkish-red felsite rock shows through. The summit dome is just visible through the mist.
Tinto Hill - stone stripes
by Alan Doherty
Tinto Hill is composed entirely of felsite, a fine grained but not glassy volcanic rock. It is high in silica or felsic, typically consisting of the minerals quartz, plagioclase feldspar and alkali feldspar. Felsite is usually called the... (more)
Summit of Tinto |
Going back down Tinto Hill
These three walkers were taking good care not to slip on the gravelly path as they returned to the car park. Going up can be a lot easier than going down.
Braving the Elements
by Adam Ward
Competitors in the annual Tinto Hill Race are well wrapped up as winter makes its presence felt. The record - up and down - is under 30 minutes! This was not a day for records! You can just see the River Clyde through the torn cloud.
5... (more)
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