Grid reference NS5181
near to Dumgoyne, Stirling, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NS5181
Surrounding area
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Quinloch Muir
View towards Dumgoyne and Dumfoyn.
Quinloch Muir
View from the A809.
Rocky outcrop by Stockiemuir Road on Quinloch Muir.
Disused quarry, Catythirsty Hill
Rockface in a small disused quarry beside the A809. The hill is formed of basalt and agglomerate, and is all that remains of one of numerous small vents in the area feeding the lava flows of the Clyde Plateau Lavas.
Summit of Quinlochmore
Site of ancient fort, looking NW towards Loch Lomond and Ben Lomond
A prehistoric vitrified fort and Scheduled Monument Link. Seen from above the Queen's View car park.
Quinloch Muir [2]
View north-east between Catythirsty and Quinlochmore towards the Trossachs in distance.
Young forestry plantation
A new forestry plantation on Quinloch Muir. The low gorse-covered hill on the right is Catythirsty - a volcanic plug. Behind is the better known Dumgoyne (another plug), which rises above Glengoyne Distillery, the white-painted buildings in... (more)
The hill near the centre of the photograph, with the pitted top, is Catythirsty, a volcanic plug; it is the remains of the vent of one of the volcanoes whose outflows produced the Campsie Hills. There are several more volcanic plugs in the... (more)
Entrance to old quarry, Catythirsty Hill
The builder's waste noted in 2016 [ Link] is still obvious.
Overgrown quarry, Quinloch Muir
A craggy hill is marked as quarried on the map. The whinstone is living up to its reputation.