near to Drumchapel, Glasgow, Scotland
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71 images
in grid square NS5071
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for NS5071
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Path west of Drumchapel
by G Laird
The ground is quite boggy to the left of the path while the trees on the right form the small woodland of Drumry Wood.
The view from Cochnohill (2)
A zoomed view looking south-southeast from Cochnohill. The flat-roofed building just to left of centre is St Peter the Apostle High School.
Water Tower plus Horse
by Chris Upson
Clydebank from the air
The towerblocks are at Kirkoswald Drive, alongside the A82 Great Western Road. The golf driving range across Great Western Road can also be seen.
Typical Drumry housing
These houses, on Robert Burns Avenue and Jean Armour Drive, are more typical of the housing in this residential area. Viewed from along Alloway Drive.
Not a crashed helicopter
by Richard Webb
Jurassic Park themed play area with sauropod, tyrannosaur, stegosaurus and crashed helicopter in a Flintstones like landscape.
Tarbolton Drive
Looking from Riddell Street towards Jean Armour Drive.
St Eunan's Church, Drumry
Catholic church on East Thomson Street.
Clydebank from the air
Looking over Kilbowie, with the River Clyde, Erskine Bridge and Firth of Clyde in the distance.
Bernisdale Place, Drumchapel
New housing development - so new, it is yet to appear on the OS map.
Wild Grasses and Tower Blocks
by Chris Upson
Wild grasses beside Cleddans Burn. Drumry tower blocks in the background.
Horse and rider
A horse and rider walk down the road to the Great Western Golf driving range, having just left the Drumchapel Way path behind the photographer. Apparently most people think it strange to see horses in Drumchapel.
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