Grid reference NJ3357
near to Ordiquish, Moray, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NJ3357
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Minor road near Ordiquish
Backwater by the River Spey
Interestingly, this backwater and the almost-island to its right are not shown on most of the maps.
The lane leading to Beat 4 of the "Brae Water"
The trees and grasses by Ordiquish await the arrival of Spring: it's just around the corner.
The dynamic River Spey – erosion at work – 1
The Rock of Ordiquish, showing scarring from successive landslips as the cliff is slowly undercut. There are several trees in varying stages of succumbing to the inevitable, from high on the cliff down to water level.
Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii)
This species is much less common than Heath Spotted Orchid here.
Trapped Tree
A whole tree has been trapped in another during one of the recent spates. You can see its root sticking out from among the branches.
Evidence of the Spate
All of the low-growing bushes on the shingle bank are festooned with a variety of plant debris brought down by the recent spate and caught in their branches.
Smolt trap? What's a smolt trap?
The triangular device moored by the left bank on Beat 4 of the River Spey is indeed a smolt trap. A smolt refers to one of the early stages in a salmon's life and is usually reached by eighteen months from the roe (egg) stage. These... (more)
Hoar Frost (set of 2 images)
Although it's afternoon, the sun has obviously not reached here soon enough to melt the ice, which must have been building up for days.
Water Extraction Infrastructure
Alongside the track a little way away from the river bank are many installations related to the extraction of water from the River Spey. I'm not sure what the purpose of the taller green ones is, but the low-lying grey ones are the... (more)
Hide in the Woods
The rough hut offers a chance to watch the wildlife in the woods here.
Butterbur (Petasites hybridus)
Late flowering this cold spring, this species of Butterbur is more widely distributed in Britain, but less frequent than White Butterbur in eastern Scotland. Compare with Link