near to Redcastle, Highland, Scotland
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images taken from NH5949 [4]
A sample of 12 photos from 60
for NH5949
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Gallowhill Wood spills down the old coastal slopes
by Alan Reid
The field covers the former foreshore.
New planting, bracken and pheasant feeders in Gallowhill Wood
by Julian Paren
Bracken dominates the colour in this newly planted section of Gallowhill Wood.
Beauly Firth
by Graeme Smith
The northern shoreline of the Beauly Firth
Gallowhill Wood |
Track through Gallowhill Wood
This track is somewhat muddy and overgrown, it looks like it isn't used much. The area of woods on the left of the track is fenced off, maybe there has been trees planted.
Pond outflow on the Redcastle Estate
by valenta
A man-made pond that fed water down this channel to Corgrain NH5949 : Old Pond on the Redcastle Estate
Beauly Firth |
Estate track, Redcastle |
Probably an ice house that was taken over as a munitions store during wartime
by Julian Paren
Already well-photographed by Alpin Stewart and valenta. I thank them both for suggesting it really did become a munitions store.
View over the Beauly Firth
by valenta
The section of Gallowhill Wood to the south of the track has been clear felled, affording spectacular views over the Beauly Firth
Looking back down a "dead end" track in the Redcastle estate
by Julian Paren
The modern detailed mapping on this site confirms that the track just ends abruptly. The 1:25,000 OS map agrees, but 1:50,000 shows the track continuing for a few miles and forming a useful link for a circular walk which had been the plan.... (more)
Track in the Redcastle Estate
by Gordon Brown
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